CIS is home to two programs: First Nations and Indigenous Studies and First Nations and Endangered Languages.
First Nations and Indigenous Studies (FNIS) was founded in 2001 to provide students with an understanding of the histories, contemporary realities, and political concerns of Indigenous peoples in Canada and beyond. As an interdisciplinary undergraduate, it reflects the belief that deep understanding and ethical engagement are central to the wellbeing of resurgent Indigenous communities and foundational to more respectful Indigenous-settler relations. Students are provided extensive experience with Indigenous political theory and politics, aesthetics, literature, and contemporary social concerns, in the classroom and on a first-hand basis. Visit the FNIS website here.
First Nations and Endangered Languages (FNEL) offers courses in First Nations languages, as well as methodology classes on language documentation, conservation and revitalization. In partnership and collaboration with First Nations and Indigenous communities and their cultural institutions, staff, scholars and students in our program conduct research with speakers of endangered languages and help to develop educational materials in British Columbia and beyond. Visit the FNEL website here.